Miloš Mrvaljević
Miloš Mrvaljević, preparator pripravnik. Student je Biološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Tokom studija aktivan u okviru Biološkog istraživačkog društva ,,Josif
Miloš Mrvaljević, preparator pripravnik. Student je Biološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Tokom studija aktivan u okviru Biološkog istraživačkog društva ,,Josif
Rođena u Beogradu 1999. godine. Živi na Avali, gde je završila Osnovnu školu „Vasa Čarapić“. Došlo je vreme da se
Jovana Radosavljević dolazi iz jednog manjeg mesta, po imenu Lešje, koje se nalazi nedaleko od doline reke Grze, par kilometara
Rođen 1999. godine u Zemunu. Posle Osnovne škole „Lazar Savatić” upisao je Zemunsku gimnaziju. Srednjoškolske dane je više provodio u
Pavle Erić received his doctorate on mito-nucleus co-adaptations in Drosophila, and he also deals with the genetic variability of domesticated and feral bees, birds
Mina Rakić is an assistant and tired, excuse me, persistent doctoral student at the Department of Genetics and Evolution, Faculty of Biology. Proud
Marija Tanasković is a senior research associate at the Department of Population Genetics and Ecogenotoxicology of the Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković". An expert
Student doktorskih studija na Biološkom fakultetu u Beogradu, gde radi i kao asistent na predmetima koji se bave evolucijom. Svoje
Doktorske studije završila je 2019. godine na Biološkom fakultetu u Beogradu istraživajući morfologiju cveta irisa u kontekstu evolucione biologije razvića.
The focus of his doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade was the investigation of the coevolution of two genomes, mitochondrial and nuclear, and
Address: Save Vla 19, Novi Sad, Serbia
Email: [email protected]
Cities covered by the project: Novi Sad, Šabac, Subotica, Kikinda, Inđija
Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" - Institute of national importance for the Republic of Serbia
Address: Bulevar despota Stefana 142, 11108 Belgrade, Serbia
Email: [email protected]
Cities where the ReFocuS FLOW project will organize the European Night of Researchers: Belgrade, Niš, Kragujevac, Pirot, Leskovac, Ranovac, Čačak, Kruševac, Zaječar, Smederevo and Inđija
Center for the Promotion of Science,
Faculty of Science, University of Niš
University of Kragujevac
Projects of the European Night of Researchers in the Republic of Serbia (ReFocuS FLOW, TRAILS) are financed by the European Commission within the framework of the Marija Sklodovska-Curie program
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