Belgrade 2017

In Serbia, the Night of Researchers is being held for the eighth time, and it is financed from the HORIZONT 2020 program, which is the largest program of the European Union for research and innovation activities, within the Marie Curie sub-program. This year, the event will be held in 7 cities in Serbia - in Belgrade, Niš, Kragujevac, Požarevac, Pirot, Petnica and Inđija.

The contents of the Night of Researchers are new, attractive, interactive, suitable for all ages and do not require prior professional education. In addition, you will be given a unique opportunity to interact with our most famous scientist-researchers in a variety of ways, who will reveal to you how science affects our daily lives.

Go for a walk and you'll get the chance to hang out with researchers who will engage you in a variety of smart and fun activities.

We guarantee you a unique and unforgettable time with the researchers, and that you will become friends with them after this night.

Biodiversity of Serbia

The students of the Faculty of Biology will give you a lecture about the biodiversity of Serbia, they will reveal to you all the diversity of the flora and fauna of Serbia that you never imagined,...

Columbus and Cervantes on migrations

Special guests of the Night of Explorers, Columbus and Cervantes, will lead all interested visitors on a fantastic adventure. Each of them, through different activities, will convey their unique...

A fez, a mustache and a fiddle

Surrounded by the unique atmosphere of the former Great School building, we will look back on Vuk's travels during which he wrote down the words of the fiddler. With short talks with the curators of the Museum...

Robots and us

We've all seen robots on film and – depending on the genre and the author's imagination – either feared them or wished for them. But,…

City in the forest, forest in the city

Don't miss the opportunity to feel the spirit of the forest in the city center! The team of the Faculty of Forestry will reveal to you through an interactive presentation, interesting visual content and a game...

A plant for pain

From poultices with brandy to reduce fever, to garlic for... more or less any ailment, there is no one who has not tried it at least once in their life...

Who? Evolution!

If you are a lover of nature, and even if you are the exact opposite - come hang out with us on September 29 and get to know...

Ethnology - Science of peoples

The word "people" most often associates us with things such as language, customs and national costumes. Ethnologists, however, have a nasty habit of complicating things and…

Don't be angry, scientist

At the French Institute, real, hardened researchers are waiting for you to compete with them in board games, if you dare! Friends from the club of fans of board games...

Every trade is valuable

The students of "Sveti Sava" Primary School from Požarevac have prepared a special presentation in which they will show you the traditional and artistic crafts of migrants from...

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