EU corner, 2020

In order to do science, it is important to communicate your ideas with everyone, but also to have the opportunity to realize them. Marija Sklodovska Curie scholarships are one of the most prestigious scholarships in the scientific world.

In our EU corner, meet our scientists who, with the help of the European Union, have realized their research dreams! Follow the scientific and personal stories of researchers and find out along the way how it is possible with the help of the European Union to fulfill your scientific dreams. We will introduce you to the methods of scholarship, financing, mobility of researchers and students, and in return give us your thoughts on the European Night of Researchers. In the EU corner, you can test your knowledge about the European Union and win interesting digital prizes.


Aditivna proizvodnja, poznata i kao 3D štampa, predstavlja modernu tehnologiju proizvodnje koja omogućava štampanje trodimenzionalnih objekata nanošenjem materijala u tankim slojevima. Mogućnost izrade objekata…


CHIC (Chicory as a multipurpose crop for dietary fibre and medicinal terpenes)je inovacioni istraživački koji ima za cilj ima formiranje odgovornog inovacionog puta za…


Projekat SySTEM2020 je fokusiran na učenje van školskih učionica, pre svega u domenu prirodnih nauka i matematike (engl. STEM). Mapiranje ovakve vrste vannastavnih aktivnosti širom Evrope,…


Hmmm, what is it and have you encountered this phenomenon before, which is a consequence of urbanization? It sure is! Every summer feel…


Cilj multidisciplinarnog PROTECT (Protecting Personal Data Amidst Big Data Innovation) projekta je pronalazak metoda za zaštitu prava i interesa individua u doba konstantnog procesiranja…


AVA- Accelerators Validating Antimatter Petnaest mladih istraživača iz celeog sveta (Srbija, Rusija, Indija, Amerika, Francuska, Italija, Austrija, Ukrajina, i Poljska) su dobitnici prestižne nagrade…


Optička kontrola CaMKII signalizacije (Optical control of CaMKII signaling) Smatra se da je ćelijski process pod nazivom dugotrajna potencijacija (eng. long-term potentiation (LTP)) zaduzen…

Tajna ključnog gena za razvoj raka

Zadatak ovog MSC projektu je bio da rešim tajnu kako gen p53 može da zaustavi razvoj raka, konkretno rak krvi. Ja sam pronašla da…


ProtoMet – Nemanja Cvjetan Projekat “ProtoMet” (skraćeno od eng. protometabolism) pokušava da objasni kako je hemija omogućila razvoj hemijskih sistema koji su potpomogli formiranju…

On the connection with Dr. Tomislav Bukatarević

Tomislav, as an expert associate for international cooperation of the Faculty of Philosophy, will convey to us a part of the exchange program and other opportunities offered to us within the projects. What kind of…

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