Kikinda 2018

Kikinda Professional Training Center

The Science Club of the Center for Professional Development of Kikinda, one of 13 that the Center for the Promotion of Science opened in 2016, will host researchers and all science lovers from Kikinda and its surroundings from September 24 to 28, 2018.

Through the slogan of the European Night of Researchers "Explore through the night, knowledge is power" science will call you at all points. The Road to Science Friday changes focus and promotes the values of cultural heritage and natural resources in society, highlighting the importance of the role communities play in preserving cultural heritage.

Partners: National Museum of the City of Kikinda

The living world of forest land

In a large container (trough) there will be forest soil with living creatures. The bravest should put their hands in the bowl and try to taste it live...

Soil erosion

For the same types of soil, we examine the speed of water flow and the amount of water absorbed by the soil. We make a tabular representation, record the data and conclude which type...

Basic soil types and their properties

For each type of soil, we examine the quality, that is, the composition based on a tabular presentation, the amount of carbonates, the distribution and the living world. Vidica Štetin, Neda Popov Rakazov...

Dоkumеntаrni film о pоslеdicаmа glоbаlnоg zаgrеvаnjа „ Šеst stеpеni bi mоglо dа prоmеni svеt“

Dokumentarni film o posledicama globalnog zagrevanja kada bi prosečna temperatura vazduha porasla za 6 stepeni, stepen po stepen Мirоslаv Gruјić Lazar Tripinović Popov…

Global warming, what, how, why and what are the consequences

Lecture on global warming and its consequences. Miroslav Grujic...

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