Kragujevac 2017

Kragujevac is the fourth largest city in Serbia and the seat of the Šumadija District. The name of this city is derived from the name of the bird - Kraguj, a type of hawk that was used for hunting in the Middle Ages, and today occupies an honored place on the city's coat of arms. Famous for the first high school ever founded in Serbia (1833). A city with an extremely rich history and in the very center of Serbia certainly deserved to be held here as well, the 7th in a row in our country, and the 11th in Europe, the Night of Researchers with the central theme of "Migration and Roads".

Migrate to Kragujevac on September 29 and from 17:00 to 22:00 discover the diverse scientific and popular program that we have prepared for you. All the contents of the Night of Researchers are new, attractive, interactive, suitable for all ages, do not require prior professional education, and of course free of charge. You will be given a unique opportunity to socialize with the most famous scientists-researchers, who will reveal to you how science affects our everyday life.

Join us at Đački trg and Branka Radičevića Street on the last Friday in September, from 5-10 p.m. to feel KNOWLEDGE AT THE FIRST SIGHT!

Living archeology - from the past to the future

The presentation follows the scientific method in archaeological research from the moment the site is found, until the site is brought back "to life". The advanced methods that will be presented allow archaeologists…


Aplikacija na telefonu ti preporucuje mesto za izlazak po tvojoj meri. Tvoj telefon može da pronađe lica tvojih prijatelja dok ih slikaš a Facebook…

The first technical school in Kragujevac

Kroz radionice Prve Tehničke škole posetioci će se upoznati sa izvodjenjem hemijskih ogleda, prezentacijom maketa i ogledima sa elektro uredjajima…

Section of Applied Physics and Electronics of the First Kragujevac High School

Sekcija primenjene fizike i elektronike Prve kragujevačke gimnazije bavi se pravljenjem projekata iz oblasti kao što su elektronika, fizika, programiranje i automatika. Ove godine…

VICKY corner

In Wiki Corner, meet our Wikimedians who spread free knowledge. What does free knowledge and open access mean, how to edit wikipedia, how and in small steps...

Ecological transport and autonomous robotic systems in urban environments

Urban environments of the future include electric transport and various types of robotic autonomous vehicles with sophisticated ICT functions for safety and high standards of comfort. Autonomous…

Segway autonomous LEGO robot

The Segway transport system is in the spotlight, i.e., its scaled model made of LEGO bricks, actuators and sensors, and programmed in object-oriented…

Mistika teatra senki i Ebru slikarske tehnike

Mistika teatra senki i Ebru slikarske tehnike, tehnike slikanja po vodi. Ukoliko ima svetlosti, postoji i život, a sve što je živo prati senka….

Ecological significance of plant and animal migrations

Researchers from the Institute of Biology and Ecology of the Faculty of Science will present preparations of invasive plant species and characteristic migratory fish species. Visitors will have the opportunity to…

Translate me - deciphering hieroglyphs

Ancient Egypt left us a trace of its religion, the nature of the gods, the rule of the pharaohs, the concept of the world and life through a multitude of records and representations. Through logic…

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