Kruševac 2020

this year, the eleventh European Night of Researchers in Serbia, will be held in Friday, November 27 and in Kruševac. This year, its celebration will begin with the video contest Unite with Science, organized in cooperation with the Cultural Center of Kruševac until Monday, November 23. The celebration will continue with researchers' week from Monday, November 23.

The Center for the Promotion of Science will coordinate activities with the Science Club of the Center for Professional Development in Kruševac, as one of 14 from the Network of Science Clubs, whose establishment it initiated in 2016.
Most of the programs this year point to the importance of science in everyday life, through bringing scientific methods and ways of thinking closer to a wider part of the population. We want everyone to listen, look, feel, experience and touch science. In the hope that as many people as possible will get involved in scientific research, the emphasis is on the concept of "citizen science", which implies that the public researches together with scientists. Citizens will more easily understand the importance of science, as well as the fact that their role is extremely important, when we show them how applied science can contribute to the solution of problems that also concern them. You can expect a rich program on this website, just like on ours youtube channel.

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