Niš 2018

This year, the eighth consecutive European Night of Researchers, will be held on Friday, September 28, in Nis.

The Science Club of the Regional Center for the Professional Development of Education Employees Nis, one of 13 that the Center for the Promotion of Science opened in 2016, will host researchers and all science lovers from Nis and its surroundings from September 24 to 28, 2018.

Through the slogan of the European Night of Researchers "Explore through the night, knowledge is power" science will call you at all points. The Road to Science Friday changes focus and promotes the values of cultural heritage and natural resources in society, highlighting the importance of the role communities play in preserving cultural heritage.

  • Niš fortress, ul. Đuke Dinić, 5-10 p.m
    The story of Pločnik will bring you closer to life in the Neolithic era. Through the documentary film about Bubanje, you will find out everything you didn't know about this memorial park. You will be able to talk to the director and researchers about the exciting adventure of making this documentary. Through an interactive display, get to know the life and work of the famous Serbian mathematician Mihailo Petrović - Mika Alas. Take part in the quiz and test your knowledge about the origin, the way of making and the use of musical instruments in traditional and modern music. Get to know part of the treasure trove of species diversity that is far richer than terrestrial ecosystems. Find out what makes some plants fragrant, hot or pungent, were alchemists skilled Merlins or excellent scientists of their time and do we really carry the genes of our ancestors? What did people from the Stone Age paint the caves with, what is the secret of Egyptian blue, Neapolitan yellow and the precious purple color of the ancient Romans? You will discover all this, as well as many other interesting things, if you visit us at the Night of Researchers!
  • "Nikola Tesla" University Library, Niš, ul. Kay Mike Paligorića 2, 17-22h
    In the year of the jubilee, we will remind you of the life and work of our prominent writer - Desanka Maksimović.
  • Niš National Museum, Archaeological Hall, ul. Nikola Pašić, 5-10 p.m
    Archaeologists from the National Museum in Niš will take you back to the Middle Ages in the territory of Serbia through the presentation of cold weapons. How the weapons in the Museum combine archeology and conservation will be explained by the conservator using the example of medieval swords.
  • Niš National Museum, Memorial Rooms of Stevan Sremac and Branko Miljković, ul. Alekse Nenadovića 2, 5-10 p.m
    Visit the memorial room of Stevan Sremac and Branko Miljković, where you will get to know their literary heritage better through the game.
  • Niš National Museum, Red Cross Camp, Boulevard 12 February, 5-10 p.m.
    In the projection hall of the Red Cross Camp, a presentation of the museum's heritage will be held on the example of the Collection of personal items and documents of prisoners of the Red Cross Camp. 3D digitization will be presented as one of the most modern methods of cultural heritage preservation.
  • Regional Center for Professional Development of Employees in Education, Science Club Niš, ul. Pariske Komune bb, 5-10 p.m
    Hang out with writers, columnists and actors and find out what the ancient courtyards looked like, learn to speak Niška and try our grandmothers' dishes.

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