Nis 2020

This year eleventh "European night of researchers" in Niš, will be held in Friday, November 27. The science club of the Regional Center for the Professional Development of Education Employees Nis, one of 14 that the Center for the Promotion of Science opened in 2016, will host researchers and all science lovers from November 23 to 27. In the virtual environment and through the Internet, science will be all around us. Scientists and researchers from various fields will be on the same task, to popularize science and make it interesting for every visitor.

You will have fun learning about geoheritage A niche and its surroundings. You will discover how to reach the caves, see the gorge, see the waterfall, the lake and get acquainted with the beautiful geodiversity by solving tasks with the help of the geographical map. Through the collage of cultural diversity, you will get to know the cultural values of local and world traditions. You will also learn how music connects and neutralizes differences in a discreet way. You will also see how in literary works foreigners see us, and how we see them, and we will be reminded of cultural differences that can cause laughter, but which confirm that only through diversity does the world and life realize their fullness and beauty. You will allow us to assure you that the phrase "like a mollusk" is not very suitable for those who are not brave. If you decide to join us this year, you will have the opportunity to see what an ordinary day of an amoeba looks like, you will discover why rotatorians have "wheels" on their heads, whether the crayfish have "drank" a little, as well as many other interesting things about the microworld. Join us in unraveling the connection between chemistry and the Orient, in determining what is sweet and why pepper is hot. We will also talk about minerals and composite materials.

All this, as well as many more things that will make you think, you will discover if you visit us at "Explorer's Night"! Follow the FB page and YouTube channel, and we are waiting for you on November 27!

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