Novi Sad in 2021

This year twelfth "Explorer's Night" in Serbia I Novi Sad, will be held in Friday, September 24, but her celebration will start as early as September 17!

This year's theme Explorer's Nights is green science! In the next five years, the European Commission pays special attention to the Green Deal, a document that is the basis of the future development of European society. Scientists occupy a special place in this document and the expectation of science and scientists is to answer pressing questions such as: sustainable economy, environmental protection, sustainable transport, use of renewable energy sources, etc. That's why this year we want to present to you all the current topics that our scientists plan to cover in the coming period. We will have the opportunity to learn and do science together with scientists.

In itself Researchers' Nights on September 24 a live program awaits you in the market to the BIG center as well as in the years preceding the pandemic. On that occasion, several lectures will be held on the topic of the COVID-19 epidemic, but also on the scientific achievements that occurred during this and the previous year of the pandemic. On the same day, you will be able to chat live with our scientists over coffee and juice at Zenit Books Novi Sad. During the program, an interactive exhibition "Science Playground" will be set up in TC BIG, which visitors will be able to visit from 3-10 p.m.

We have prepared a special treat for you this year Explorer's Night application for android phones. Within this app is a Science Hunt game that will take you on a mission to discover and collect science trophies across the city. There are also your AR guides through the science playground who will keep you company in augmented reality in TC BIG where the exhibition will be set up "Science Playground". And finally, this app is also a search engine for scientists with whom you will be able to hang out and chat over coffee and juice on September 24th. "Explorer's Night" application will be launched on September 15 on the Play Store and Apple Store platforms.

All contents of the Night of the Explorer are free.

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