TC BIG, Novi Sad 2019

This year, the tenth jubilee "Night of Researchers" is being held in Serbia and Novi Sad. The main event will take place on Friday, September 27. On that day, the program at TC Big starts at 4 p.m. and will last until 10 p.m.

In the BIG shopping center, you will have the opportunity to see numerous scientific exhibits and participate in interactive science workshops that will show you the connections in nature, the connections around us and the connections between different fields of science. In the same place, you will be able, with a cup of coffee or tea, to talk about topics that combine several scientific fields with members of our international research groups - the traditional "Coffee with Scientists" starts at 20:00 at The Pub upstairs.

Come on September 27th and connect with science, and follow our FB page now to keep up with the latest science action; quick click HERE!

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