Workshops, Novi Sad 2021

A click to the sustainable development of the planet!

How to apply the principles of precision agriculture that at the same time protect the environment? The goal of the AGROS project is to establish a new integrated approach for education - a platform,...

Don't throw it away - use it wisely!

Did you know? You don't have to throw away the egg shells! As they are full of calcium, and tomatoes lack that vitamin, you can crush the skins...

Water Wizzard

Water on planet Earth knows no boundaries, is not bound by time or space, is neither created nor destroyed, and above all, it is irreplaceable. Global Security…

Material Magic - Material Magic

How ideas and design shape the materials of tomorrow. Materials research is constantly evolving to offer new, superior and smarter materials. Such materials will have…

MICRObiological solutions to MACRO problems

Do you know that it is possible to solve the problem of environmental pollution and make a profit at the same time? We'll reveal our recipe: Cross engineering skills and creativity…

Turn, turn - the packaging!

Used packaging becomes waste, but where do we go with it when there are so many types of different packaging? We will teach you the basic rules of sorting waste by type...

Green chemistry: From waste to product

If there is green chemistry, then can chemistry change colors? Can it be both blue and black? Can waste be…

Old grain for the mouth of the sieve

Did you know that native cereal varieties are an important source of biodiversity and can meet your daily mineral and protein needs? Get to know each other…

It's extra!

Do you know what "green" chemistry is and how it can improve the quality of life and preserve the environment? Do you know what are…

Mushrooms - materials of the future

Mold on bread, internet forests, the main agent of natural recycling, drug maker and material of the future - these are just some of the functions that fungi perform for…

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