Subotica College of Vocational Studies, 2020

Superheroes of science

What's the connection between a Hollywood actress and the Bluetooth connection on your phone? How did the daughter of Lord Byron contribute to the…

Development of interactive toys for preschool age in Serbian and Hungarian

Development of interactive toys for preschool age in Serbian and Hungarian using IOT technology based on voice-command platform The rapid development of technology has contributed to the improvement...

A system for sorting objects by color using an industrial robot

The sorting system was implemented in the FANUC educational cell. A capacitive sensor is used to detect objects, while color recognition is done using a web camera....

Szín abánd törtöné vágálást fézső rendzer ipari robot bezülte

A vágálást féző rendzer FANUC obtákásí cellában van säyttva. Az objektivmok detektálasa kapacitív szenzor szétéké tértésé, mig a szén knázésére web kamera van haszánlva….

Cool experiments - Cool experimenter

Technical College of Vocational Studies Subotica, prof. Dr. Philippe Bajo...

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