NI in Pomoravlje - competition results

And this year we socialized with the residents of Pomoravlje. Congratulations to all participants in the competitions! The most valuable ones deservedly won the awards, namely:

Electromagnetic roller coaster - competition for high school students

You can see the videos at 

Mirror mirror - competition for primary school students:

1. Prize for the experiment "Physics to perfect pronunciation in English", Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Svilajnac

2. Award for the sample "Sour or basic - purple cabbage", Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Svilajnac

3. Prize for the trial "Checking air quality", Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Svilajnac

Mathematics through play - Our youngest were also the most diligent. For the Night of Researchers, preschool and elementary school students prepared a handful of geometric shapes from tubes. See their creativity in the galleries

"Let's explore Europe" - quiz

1. Secondary school Svilajnac

2. Gymnasium Jagodina

3. Svilajnac Agricultural School


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