Coffee with scientists

Asst. Dr. Igor Stamenković

Great altruist, philanthropist, loves to make others happy, always smiling, cheerful, one big kid 🙂 He deals with NLP (the science of personal prosperity) and coaching in his desire...

Prof. Dr. Jovanka Pantović

Jovanka Pantović is a full-time professor of theoretical and applied mathematics at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, where she taught in the study programs of all departments. The field of scientific…

MSc Aleksandra Miletić

Currently a doctoral student at the Faculty of Technology, I am working on the development of the procedure for obtaining polymer nanofibers using the electrospinning method, a member of the FARMAT research group. I love traveling and because…

Prof. Dr. Vesna Tumbas Šaponjac

Vesna Tumbas Šaponjac is an associate professor at the Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She graduated from the same Faculty with a degree in Pharmaceutical Engineering, and...

Dr. Branislav Popović

Dr. Branislav Popović is a research associate at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, associate professor at the Academy of Arts in Belgrade, founder and owner of the CODE85 agency and...

Dr. Ivana Gadjanski

Biologist, poet, loves coffee, fab labs, animals. He believes that without cooperation between people and between fields, there is no real science. He is a member of a multidisciplinary research...

Prof. Dr. Slobodan Krnjetin

He works as a full-time professor at FTN, at the Department of Architecture, teaches the subject Ecology and Built Space, and at the Department of Environmental Protection, the subject Construction and Protection...

Jelena Cvejić Hogervorst, dr

Kao redovan profesor, bavi se istraživanjima prirodnih i lekovitih jedinjenja u okviru Laboratorije za analizu prirodnih i farmaceutskih proizvoda na Zavodu za farmaciju Medicinskog…

Marko Rodić, Ph.D

Dr Marko Rodić je docent na PMF-u u Novom Sadu, pri Katedri za fizičku hemiju Departmana za hemiju, biohemiju i zaštitu životne sredine. Član…

Vesna Tumbas Šaponjac, dr i Jelena Čakarević, dr

Vesna Tumbas Šaponjac je vanredni profesor na Tehnološkom fakultetu Novi Sad. Predaje Organsku hemiju, Hemiju hrane i Hemiju grožđa i vina. Bavi se istraživanjima…

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