
Quizizz in the world of science

Get to know science through our students' quiz. Spend 45 minutes with us and try to answer interesting scientific questions before our students!…

How well do you know scientists and their discoveries?

Welcome knowledge lovers! How well do you know the "VIPs" of the world of science and their discoveries that changed the world forever? Test your knowledge in the quiz "How much…

How well do you know scientists and their discoveries?

Welcome knowledge lovers! How well do you know the "VIPs" of the world of science and their discoveries that changed the world forever? Test your knowledge in the quiz "How much…


Narodna biblioteka Dositej Novaković Vreme odžavanja:  27.09.2019.  16:00 Mesto održavanja:  Negotin…

Science quiz

Tradicionalno propitivanje iz različitih oblasti nauke — naučni kviz! Okupite ekipu od najviše 5 članova, smislite ime i osvojite specijalne nagrade za svoju ekipu….


Garden of the Youth Center (in case of rain Zaječar Gymnasium) Cancellation time: 27.09.2019. 19:00 Venue: Zaječar...

Science quiz

Traditional questioning from various fields of science — science quiz! Gather a team of up to 5 members, come up with a name and win special craft food by Tehnolog's prizes for your…

Cultural and natural heritage of our region

Checking the knowledge of primary and secondary school students about the cultural and natural heritage of the Knjaževac region Local Museum Knjaževac...

Science quiz

Tradicionalno super HOT propitivanje iz različitih oblasti nauke — naučni kviz! Okupite ekipu od najviše 5 članova, smislite HOT ime i osvojite specijalno HOT…

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