
Beer is not just foam! Chemistry in a glass of beer

Realizer: Dr. Snežana Jovanović Place: Science Club Niš online: on ZOOM Find out interesting information about the evaluation of raw materials from a chemical aspect, fermentation procedures, chemical processes...

The speed of light and the law of refraction

The interactive lecture on reflections is designed so that students, through a research approach and with the help of a virtual laboratory, get to know the basic laws of light refraction, examine how...

Environmental disaster visible from space

The central story of this lecture will be the Aral Sea, once the fourth largest lake in the world, due to its characteristics and size it was also called the Blue Sea. Formerly…

Art of the living world

Priroda nas neprestano zadivljuje kreativnošću živog sveta i složenošću procesa koji se u njemu odigravaju, ali nas i sve češće opominje! Zbog toga nauka…

Do 5G antennas and radiation really affect viruses?

Ovo možda nije prva pandemija koja je zadesila svet ali jeste prva infodemija – epidemija informacija ali i dezinformacija bila je brža od same…

Šta su uopšte virusi?

Za većinu ljudi virusi su asocijacija za nešto loše. Štaviše, sam naziv „virus“ na latinskom jeziku znači toksin. Samo u poslednjih 20 godina, susreli…

Da li nas maske stvarno štite od virusa i druge medicinske nedoumice?

COVID-19 se sve više širi u vašoj zajednici i veoma je važno da budete bezbedni. Preduzmite nekoliko jednostavnih ali naučno utemeljenih koraka i sačuvajte…

"Strange" behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic

U piku pandemije najčešće su kupovani toalet-papir, maske, rukavice… To je zbunilo algoritme veštačke inteligencije koji predviđaju ponašanja potrošača. Zbunilo je i nas, tj….

Kosmos live with Marina and Teodora!

2020. godina je bila veoma uzbudljiva na svim životnim poljima, ali su neke od najlepših i najzanimljivijih vesti potekle upravo iz svemira. Naše nebo…

From clay tablets to computers - writing through the ages

Students of primary and secondary schools We invite you to a presentation of the most successful works from the first two workshops with a presentation that follows the history and development of the letter from...

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