
SimaBot is cool for Aranicki school

Don't have your own 3D printer – No problem! Discover how in this game, using only two things: sand and glue, you can form 3D models. Find out…

Let's keep a smart head

Friends, a bicycle is a real thing, Let's learn together how to be an emperor. Helmet on your head, keep your health, Drive safely, enjoy everything you see!…

Life cycle of a bicycle

Let's talk about why a bicycle is a healthy, sustainable and environmentally friendly way of transportation throughout its life cycle! The life cycle includes all stages, from production...

From artificial to natural intelligence

In the era of intensive development of artificial intelligence, the human brain and natural intelligence still remain a great inspiration and unknown, especially considering that our…

The future of food with AI

By 2050, the Earth will be home to over 10 billion people, and in order to feed them all, we need to increase production by 70%!…

Eco petal

"Eko Latica" solves the problem of maintaining house plants during the absence of the owner. It uses solar energy to automatically water and monitor conditions such as temperature and…

Meet the 3D world

The "Meet the 3D World" workshop is intended for children over 7 years old, where they will have the opportunity to learn about 3D scanning technology. During the workshop,…

Do you have a toothache? Can artificial intelligence help you?

Artificial intelligence and so-called "large language models" are increasingly used in people's daily lives. Users of the mentioned models are looking for answers to their questions...

Chip design

Today, cameras are everywhere and they record everything. In the past, someone had to look at the footage to know what the camera captured, but now we…

Decoding bioprocesses

Apply artificial neural networks and decode bioprocesses! With innovative bioprocesses, we reshape the world and life as we know it, from agriculture to industrial food production, from medicines that...

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