
From an owl's perspective

A lecture on owls "early owls", whose habitat is Kikinda, known among other things by Dragan Kiurski...

National costumes of the Serbian people

Creation of mock-ups of national costumes and their connection with the corresponding geographical area on the map of Serbia and the region Nenad Karamijalković...

Gravitirajući astronomi

Šta je to što nas sve čvrsto drži na Zemlji? Osećamo je stalno, ali je ne vidimo? Sjajna sila koja stvara svetove i diktira…


Familiarization of primary and secondary school students with the process of conservation of objects found in the excavations of our region Native Museum Knjaževac...

Dvopređno pletenje i štrikanje

Upoznavanje učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola sa osnovnim tehnikama dvopređnog pletenja i štrikanja Zavičajni muzej Knjaževac…

Native glossary

Acquaintance of 6th grade elementary school students with the cultural heritage of the Knjaževac region by acquiring knowledge of general culture through processing terms characteristic of our region Milena...

Stories about numbers

Encouraging students to think about counting and numbers in a different way, through various types of associations, games and interesting things. Presentation of cultures and traditions of different…

Srednji vek na primeru smederevske tvrđave

Cilј radionice je da se kroz predavanje i nekoliko dinamičnih igara i zadataka učesnici upoznaju sa pokretnom kulturnom baštinom koja svedoči o životu u…

Tourist day in Užice

The goal of the presentation is for the students to become familiar with their geographical environment and how to present it to their peers and tourists from the outside. Neđo Valjarević, professor of Geography...

Draw your name

In the workshop, participants will connect mathematics and art by drawing their name using the Cartesian rectangular coordinate system. By connecting the letters of your name and…

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