
Soil erosion

For the same types of soil, we examine the speed of water flow and the amount of water absorbed by the soil. We make a tabular representation, record the data and conclude which type...

Basic soil types and their properties

For each type of soil, we examine the quality, that is, the composition based on a tabular presentation, the amount of carbonates, the distribution and the living world. Vidica Štetin, Neda Popov Rakazov...

Making soap

Presentation of the traditional procedure of making homemade soap with the help of fat, baking soda, cold and warm making of scented soaps with the addition of vegetable oils, making of traditional...

Secrets of biodiversity - endemic and relict species of Serbia

Students will learn about Serbia's biodiversity, endemic species, extinct species and habitats, human influence on biodiversity and the interrelationship of all factors...

Using traditional natural colors

Making paints and coloring materials, painting drawings using old (eco-paints) that our grandmothers used (beetroot, onion, turmeric, cabbage, carrot...) and exhibiting...

Folk herbal medicines

Presentation of making traditional herbal medicines from ancient times - phytomedicine. The lecture includes the method of collecting, drying and treating plants for making traditional teas, medicines, salves, oils...

Translate me - deciphering hieroglyphs

Participants, through logic and play, decipher the records of the ancient Egyptians, learn hieroglyphs and get to know their gods... Bojana Šarenac...

Archaeological playroom

Through the playroom, children will get to know material remains, travel through various civilizations, and enjoy deciphering hieroglyphs, digging, drawing and processing the excavated...

Traditional food - tasty and healthy

Raising awareness about the harmfulness of fast food and changing bad eating habits (carbonated drinks, snacks, meal schedules, etc.), pointing out domestic products from our...

I got a tongue twister

Observation and frequency of Germanisms in selected passages from the literary work "Pop Ćir and pop Spira" by Stevan Sremac. Acquaintance with the literary work and motivation for...

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