Virtual walk

Science and tradition

The spirit of tradition allows us to live the past in a modern way, and science ensures that we understand the world around us. Let's feel the way to connect science and science tourism...


You are in the city, on the square of the United Sciences. It's night. There is a lot of light and color around you. You are walking down Relativity Street. Sounds are coming from all sides….


You are in the city, on the square of the United Sciences. It's night. There is a lot of light and color around you. You are walking down Relativity Street. Sounds are coming from all sides….

Museum alphabet and extraordinary quiz

In the first part of the workshop, through interaction with children, the curators will try to discover together what the science of museology, archeology and ethnology is. When children...

Secrets of the city museum of Knjaževac region

Through a virtual tour, students will be shown the house of Ace Stanojević, one of the most important figures in the political life of our city from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century...

Electricity and us

We used the previous days to visit the Đerdap hydroelectric plant, and prepared a virtual tour for you. In addition to telling you about one of the most important…

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