Vladimir Đurđević is a full professor at the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade. His area of research is numerical climate modeling, climate data analysis, risk assessment and adaptation to climate change. He has published over sixty papers in international scientific journals in the field of atmospheric sciences and climatology. He was a visiting researcher at NOAA (USA), CMCC (IT), IST (PT) and ICOD (MT). He is currently leading the project EXTREMES (www.extremes.in.rs), financed by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia. He is the co-founder of the Green Art Incubator initiative (greenartincubator.org) and a contributor to the Klima101 portal (klima101.rs). Winner of the WMO Borivoje Dobrilović Trust Found Research award, the annual award of the Faculty of Physics for scientific work, the Konstantin Jireček Medal - Die Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft award, the "Green List" award and the annual recognition of the Center for the Promotion of Science. In addition to his academic career, he also held a series of public lectures on climate change.