Open laboratory

Open Lab

U laboratorijama Fakulteta za fizičku hemiju napravićemo model srca pomoću cevčica i flaša i igrati se sa gelovima koji nam ilustruju kako tablete isporučuju…

Cube soap bubble

If it seems to you that everything has been seen and done so far, we will tell you something so simple, and enough to convince you that...

Earth battery

Have you ever thought of turning your flower pot into a battery? Yes, that's right - that's right, I'll make a battery!…

Popeye's secret weapon!

The cartoon hero's favorite vegetable reveals the secret of its color in our Open Laboratory! We know that spinach is nutritious for both Popeye and…

Foam to health

Foamed scientists to show that science is not just something that gives headaches, but something that stops the pain. Are you rustling, colored and…

Plasma, but not with milk!

Solid, liquid and gaseous states are aggregate states of matter known to man for centuries. However, in case you don't already know, there is a fourth aggregate state,…

Graphite that glows?

Can a piece of graphite from a pencil light up? With physical chemistry, anything is possible! Once upon a time, before the existence of the light bulb, after sunset it took a lot...

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