
Plasma, the fourth state of matter, are you kidding me?

Solid, liquid and gaseous aggregate states of matter have been known to man for centuries. However, there is a fourth aggregate state, which is plasma! Stars, interplanetary and…

How do you make a slime?

We will mix water and polymer, we will even weave a solid three-dimensional network, and all this just to show you how the occupation that little ones know is created...

Battery recycling

Recycling is a process in which we collect already used material so that it can be used again for the same or similar purposes. It includes collecting, selecting and…

Elephant paste VS candy in carbonated drink

Here you can see two experiments that can be done using the foods that are available at home. The main difference between these two experiments reflects…

Silver mirror

In the next experiment we used the simple sugar glucose to demonstrate the reduction process. Glucose has the ability to reduce silver ions from the silver nitrate solution, at...


Using chemiluminescence, forensic scientists can shed light on the case and show hidden traces of blood even after some time. Luminol is most commonly used to show traces of blood…

Electricity to hydrogen!

The biggest global problem today is how to find a clean sustainable source of energy. Fossil fuels as a source of energy result in the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere...

What's so cool about supercapacitors?

As humanity's need for energy is constantly growing, today's science and technology is focused on the development of clean, sustainable and efficient energy storage and technologies for...

Air to the battery

Have you ever wondered how your phone or laptop keeps working when you unplug it? Of course, these electronic devices have…

What is that green thing that glows red?

As we know, photosynthesis is the process in which plants convert the light energy of the Sun into chemical energy and thus feed themselves. Light colored…

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