
Where does our water go?

Planet Earth is rich in water in various forms, which we often cannot even see. In addition to surface waters, such as rivers, lakes, streams,...

Love what you eat

Realizers: a group of lecturers Place: Faculty of Technology in Leskovac Through experiments, interactive games and "tangible" examples, learn whether food is "healthy" or "sick", what...

Drawing on an easel

Realizers: a group of lecturers Place: Faculty of Technology in Leskovac Greened with science through a game of drawing on an easel with the help of design students at the Faculty of Technology...

The world around us

Realizer: Assoc. prof. Dr. Saša Stanković Place: CSU Leskovac Numerous unusual Satanists of our planet will show visitors the range of strategies thanks to which hundreds of millions survive...

"Gastro Chimie"

Realizers: PhD Radomir Ljupković, Jovana Ickovski Place: CSU Leskovac Researchers from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics from Niš will teach you how to prepare spaghetti "A la...


Realizatori: Nebojša Krstić, diplomirani bibliotekar i Biljana Jović, viši knjižničar Mesto: Narodna biblioteka  „Radoje Domanović“ u Leskovcu, dečije odeljenje Deca će tokom radionice imati…

Mejkeri u akciji!

Realiza to r: Aleksandar Stamenković i Saša Simonović, domaćini Mejkers spejsa u Leskovcu Nestajanje i izumiranje bilјnog i životinjskog sveta dovodi do velikih promena….

What is that green thing that glows red?

As we know, photosynthesis is the process in which plants convert the light energy of the Sun into chemical energy and thus feed themselves. Light colored…

Plasma, the fourth state of matter, are you kidding me?

Solid, liquid and gaseous aggregate states of matter have been known to man for centuries. However, there is a fourth aggregate state, which is plasma! Stars, interplanetary and…

How do you make a slime?

We will mix water and polymer, we will even weave a solid three-dimensional network, and all this just to show you how the occupation that little ones know is created...

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